If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Download the MP3 file Today we discuss the concept of accentual verse and explore line forms that differ from accentual-syllabic iambic pentameter. The students also read their adaptations of Emily Dickinson's poem #620 ("Much Madness is Divinest Sense") and William Wordsworth's "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways." Introduction of Accentual Meter Student Readings 8:20 Review of Accentual Meter & Introduction of Trochaic, Anapestic, and Dactylic Verse 20:45 Student Readings of Trochaic, Anapestic, and Dactylic Verse 26:10 Syllabic Verse in English 31:04 Student adaptations of Dickinson and Wordsworth 33:18